A complete GDPR compliance programme solution.
HR, IT & Security, Marketing, Consent
Your teams
We assist you in navigating the complexities of GDPR EU, ensuring that you are not just compliant, but also optimised for privacy, security, and trust.
GDPR software to simplify your compliance by:
Helping you understand your risks. Giving you cloud based documentation tools, so you can demonstrate you've implemented adequate technical and organisational measures. Giving you the tools in a software to actively manage data privacy and demonstrate ongoing compliance.
Get GDPR EU Compliant
Article 30 processing register
Capture your personal data processing activities, lawful bases and retention policies. Record what types of data you’re capturing, where it’s being processed and where you’re collecting it.
Audit and Data Protection Impact Assessments
Use the assessment tool to work out if you need to do a DPIA, run an overall compliance audit and document all processing, related risks and mitigations.
GDPR Articles: 25, 35 and 36
Vendor (processor) manager
Map what personal data you’re sharing with each processor. Document and justify the data transfer outside the EU. Generate and store Data Processing Agreements and risk and compliance analysis against each processor.
GDPR articles: 24, 28, 29 and 46.
Data subject rights manager
Manage incoming data subject requests. Verify the data subject's identity, assign the request to an owner, see where to retrieve the data and do it all within the legal time requirements.
GDPR articles: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21
GDPR services
GDPR GAP Analysis, GDPR EU Representative, Policy and Privacy Notice Templates
Data Breach Incident Manager
Record and assess the severity of a data breach. Use the guidelines to report it to the ICO and inform impacted data subjects. Record events and actions to mitigate repeats.
GDPR articles: 33 and 34
Learn more about our GDPR compliance solution
GDPR EU Processing Conditions
Section 8. Manage your entire POPIA program and demonstrate compliance. Maintain your registration at the regulator. Maintain a record of your data processing activities. Adopt and implement required governance policies.
Lawfulness and purpose
Section 9-14, 72. Use our data mapping module to navigate POPIA’s strict lawful conditions for processing personal information. Generate operator contracts. Manage data transfers out of South Africa.
Section 18. Create comprehensive privacy notices and keep them up to date at all required locations automatically.
Data Subject Participation
Section 23-25. Provide mechanisms for your data subjects to engage with your organisations. Efficiently manage responses to requests using all of PAIA’s conditions.
Collaboratively conduct and manage operational compliance and ongoing risk audits. Involve all stakeholders through training and awareness.
Section 19-22. Conduct Privacy Impact Assessments. Manage responses to personal information security incidents.