A complete KVKK compliance solution

Our KVKK service ensures your complete
compliance with the Protection of Personal Information Act.

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HR, IT & Security, Marketing, Consent


Your teams




We assist you in navigating the complexities of KVKK, ensuring that you are not just compliant, but also optimised for privacy, security, and trust.

KVKK IT Dashboard

We simplify your KVKK compliance by:

Turkey’s Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kanunu (KVKK) shares many principles of Europe’s GDPR. Turkish organisations and foreign organisations doing business in Turkey must meet specific data protection obligations and provide data subjects privacy rights. Like our GDPR software, our KVKK solution helps you implement and manage your KVKK privacy program and ensure you’ve got the documentation to demonstrate your compliance.

We help you understand your risks and give you cloud based documentation.


Get KVKK Compliant


Demonstrate Compliance​ ​

HR, IT & Security, Consent Management, Marketing


Collaborate in teams

Administrators, Compliance Users, Subject Access, Task owners


Manage subject access requests​

Form C, Full process from request received to completed or rejected, Trackable tasks


Manage compliance tasks​

Compliance, Governance, Employee comms, Data Mapping, Operator Agreements, Data Sharing, Breach management, Subject Access, Privacy Impact Assessments

Learn more about our KVKK compliance solution

KVKK Processing Conditions



KVKK Principles ​

Demonstrate compliance with KVKK principles, which indicate that personal data must be:

Processed fairly and lawfully
Accurate and up-to-date
Processed for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes
Relevant, adequate and not excessive
Kept only for a term that's necessary for purpose.
KVKK article: 4


Personal Data Processing Inventory ​

Document your data processing in relation to the procedures and principles of the law: lawfulness of purpose, data accuracy, data limitation and retention.

KVKK article: 4


Personal data transfers ​

Manage transfers inside and outside of Turkey, map what personal data is being transferred, using the appropriate lawful basis and generating the relevant contracts or agreements.

KVKK Articles: 5, 6, 8 and 9


Obligation to inform​

Auto-generate a privacy notice that contains all the information you are obligated to make your data subjects aware of.

KVKK Articles: 10 and 11


Data Security ​

Use the audit checklists to ensure, and to document, that you have adequate technical and organisational security in place. Use the DPIA tool to assess the processing risk associated with new projects and existing operations. Use the breach management tool to manage and respond to security related incidents.

KVKK Article: 1


Data Subject Rights Manager ​

Manage data subject access requests and complaints using inbuilt forms and workflows that simplify the process.KVKK
Articles: 6, 7, 11, 13 and 15

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