
New Feature: Custom your own documents and much more.

New feature coming to our GDPR software

We are pleased to announce that this week, we will add more new features to GDPR365.

The first one enables users to add and manage custom documents that may be distributed in the ‘Employees Compliance’ section. The second allows for search, ordering and pagination of the ‘Processors’ and ‘Data Sharing’ lists. The third allows you to download your visualisation as .png or .svg files.

1) Custom Documents

In ‘Governance’ you will find a new tab, ‘Custom’. You may add new documents, with the Preference to edit your own content or upload a PDF. (As indicated with the example document called ‘GDPR awareness’ below).

new custom tab available in the interface

create your own custom document choose your preference to edit or not your document
WYSIWIG Editor Upload your own document

Then you either ‘Publish’ for edited content or ‘OK’ for uploaded PDFs. A red bell in the ‘Content’ button indicates edited content that has not been Published or a PDF that has not been uploaded.

Don't forget to publish your custom documents red bell indicates that the document is not published

Please note that this feature is currently only available in English. Additional languages will become available early in the new year.

2) Employees Compliance

Next to each employee you will find that the Edit, Email and Delete functions have been relocated and the Custom tab has been added to the Send emails function.

Send by email the documents

3) Visualisation in PNG or SVG

You can download your data mapping either in PNG or SVG. With the latest format allows you to expand the image for a better visualization one it’s downloaded.

Download your custom documents as PNG or SVG

4) Searching in Processors and Data Sharing

With several dozens of processors, sometimes it’s complicated to find one in particular. Starting next week, you will be able to search by name the processor you are looking for. Also you will be able to sort it by alphabetical order. Finally, we are adding pagination for a better visibility.

Order search and pagination for processors and data sharing

Let us know if you have any question regarding those new features.


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